Monday, May 17, 2010

My geraniums are dying. What should I do?

Is there anything I can do to save them?


My geraniums are dying. What should I do?
If they are in plastic, take them out.

If they are brown, break that part off.

If it is yellow, too much water and not enough drainage!

If you have a clay pot and some rocks to put in the bottom to keep the roots where they can breathe, do so.

If you have anything green left, you can pinch it off or shake the dirt off of the roots, place it in a glass of water and sit in a window sill where it gets direct light. It will grow new sprouts and rejuvenate.

Miracle grow helps, planting in the ground where it has good drainage and plenty of light will help. Keep it fed and maintained. If a bloom dies, pluck it drains the neutrition from the other blooms and root system.
Reply:Make sure you give them plenty of sun and water. Also, pick or trim off all the dead leaves, blossoms, etc. This allows the oxygen it needs to go to the new growth. You may have too many in the pot and if that is the case, thin them out a little by repotting some of the plants.
Reply:Put them in full sun, and make sure the soil isn't wet. Let it dry completely b4 watering again.

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