Thursday, May 20, 2010

I brought my geraniums inside and allow them to bloom inside rather then cut them down and store ?

Will they bloom next summer?

I brought my geraniums inside and allow them to bloom inside rather then cut them down and store ?

I bring a lot of my outside plants inside for the cooler months. I tell my clients that this can become their winter indoor container garden. I will also transplant from the ground in the fall some of my annuals and bring them inside and they do fine throughout the winter and actually will bloom again next year.

Your Geranuims will do find if they get the right amount of sunlight as well as keeping them watered. You should have no problem with blooms next year. You can also go ahead and feed them one or twice a month.

I hope this has helped some. I will link you to my site map and also my landscape article section. The site map has everything that is on my website and landscape articles has different articles of a variety of topics. Good luck to you and if I can be of any further help, please feel free to contact me at the website. Have a great day!



Reply:Yes they will, but you might want to keep them trimmed up so they don't get leggy during the winter months. I have several geraniums that are well over 7 years old.
Reply:Dear BlueLady Blu,Right next to me in a fullon east direction is a geranium I brought in from the yard.I expect to have it for some years.Here is how,Geraniums need lots of light, some heat but not at night ,50 to 60 degrees F at night and 60 to 70 in the day wait to fertilize them until around mid february.Do use a good quality fertilizer for flowering plants,I use a powder diluted in water.Do not water too often .They like their roots fairly dry so a good soaking in the pot ,empty the saucer after a halfhour.should be good for a week .Come march you can cut shoots for the garden.These root easily .Have fun and enjoy.You will have blooms all the time.
Reply:You can keep them growing inside in a sunny window-- give them as much sunlight as possible. They will probably get a little 'leggy'- just cut them back part way if they do. They also may not bloom much inside during the winter, but if you keep them going they will bloom again next spring.You can feed them with a little Miracle-Gro fertilizer-- just give it half-strength, once a month thru the winter. Good Luck!

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