Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why do my geraniums always thin out after I have them for a while?

I love all colors of geraniums, but am getting fustrated because I can't seem to keep them full looking. They will still bloom but the leaves turn yellow and die. Why is this? I have a perfect porch for them, just the right amount of sun %26amp; shade. Please help....

Why do my geraniums always thin out after I have them for a while?
The main problem I have witnessed in dealing with potted Geraniums is that we tend to overwater them. Even in the heat. Geraniums need to dry out between waterings. Not to the point of wilting, but dry through out the soil, not just the surface. If they get too much water, larger leafs yellow and fall off, newer leafs are smaller, and if the plant does flower, the flower size is also smaller.

Certainly fertilizer is essential to overall good performance of the plant. I'd recommend a water soluble fertilizer. Ferti-lome is one brand that I like, especially a product called "Rooting and Blooming". Great product that you'll find at your local independent retail garden center or nursery. If they don't have it, ask them for a product for annuals.

Never discount the amount of sun, you say the "...right amount of sun %26amp; shade." That should be hot, blazing hot sun. 6-8 hours worth of sun. The more the better.

I hope that this helps
Reply:they need to be cut back by 2/3rds this will make them bunch out. I do this one stem at a time.meaning ,cut the stem off then wait about 2 wks or more to do another stem.this way it does not look so bad and i still have some blooms .

then mix 1 tlbs of Epsom salt to 1 gal. of water and water with this about every 2 wks. this will help to green up and promote growth

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