Saturday, November 14, 2009

How long does it take for a geranium plant to grow?

I planted 4 little guys ( 6 inch pot ) in a a 6x6 foot area. 3 years later I was trimming the sides off. The area had a lot of rocks and the dirt is as hard as a rock, but they seem happy. They only get about 3 hours of direct sun in the afternoon and I only water them once or twice a week. Geraniums are very hardy and grow easily and fast.

How long does it take for a geranium plant to grow?

how big is it?

mine are getting big in a mostly morning sun spot on my front lawn area, make sure you have lots of water for them.
Reply:Mine grow great and have constant blooms with bi-weekly use of Miracle grow.

PS: I have notice my red ones grow faster than the pink.
Reply:reach full growth 8 years
Reply:It hard to say. It matters where it is kept the room temperature how often you water it and how fertile th soil is.

For it to germinate i would say 3 - 14 days to start to shoot up about 15 - 18 days and then about 25 - 40 to grow quite a reasonable height.

It should say on the pack of seeds.

To grow to full height you're saying about 7- 9 years.

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