Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Climbing Geraniums...does anyone know of a source in USA to get them?

I'm trying to find a mail order source to get some Climbing Geraniums like those in France, Italy or Germany.

Climbing Geraniums...does anyone know of a source in USA to get them?
The ivy geranium (Pelargonium peltatum) is commonly grown and treated as an annual here in the U.S. For the ones that you see in Europe, you want to look for the Balcon and Blizzard series (they are sometimes called alpines). There are probably some others that are grown in Europe but these two types definitely are.

Here are some sources:

http://www.wheelerfarmgardens.com/ (Balcons)

http://www.holtgeraniums.com/ (Balcons)

http://www.naturehills.com/ (Blizzard, but not in stock and doesn't show on list at the moment)

Since it's still early in the year, most nurseries are not showing these as in stock and then they don't show on their site. I would wait until they are being stocked in your local nurseries and ask for these varieties. If they don't have them, ask if they can do a special order for you. If they don't/won't, then order them online.

Hope this helps! Happy Gardening.
Reply:Geraniums like cooler weather I guess thats why they grow like wild fire in California.

Ivy Leaf/climbing geraniums


Your source for geraniums (both cranesbills %26amp; pelargoniums) %26amp; colorfully-foliaged plants (variegated, colorated, bronze-leaf, golden-leaf, silver-leaf, ornamental-leaf %26amp; more).



Description: Attractive, loose, single flower heads and lush ivy leaves of this fine mixture create a beautiful cascading effect in both baskets and containers. A nice alternative to standard geraniums.



Climbing Geraniums are beautiful and a great choice for you. Park Seed Company in the US has a lot of different varieties of Geraniums. You can get seeds or plugs through a mail order. The Climbing Geranium looks striking on a trellis as well as a natural stone wall or other outdoor features.

I will link you to my affilate page of my website and check out Park Seed and see what is available for you. There are also other companies on the site that may be able to help you. I will also link you to my site map, as this page has everything that is on the website. There may be some tips and techniques for you, as well as different ideas for your climbing Geranium.

Good luck to you and if you need any further help, please feel free to contact me at the website. Hope this helps some and have a great day!



Reply:does this help?

pulling teeth

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