Monday, May 11, 2009

Where did Geranium come from???

.... Please help me!! I neeed to know!!!

Where did Geranium come from???
Didn't you ever watch ET? It came from little Gerty!!!
Reply:Geranium came from a flower bed.

How many geranium cuttings can i put in each glass?

I have 3-4 cuttings in each glass of water on a windowsill in direct light. Will this be alright? how long will they take to grow roots? When they have roots what do i do then?


Anna xx

How many geranium cuttings can i put in each glass?
Geraniums are better rooted in compost, fill a 3 or 5 inch pot with potting compost, push 3 or 4 cuttings round the edge of the pot, water and keep moist, do not over water or the cuttings will rot, do not use hormone rooting powder for Geranium cuttings.
Reply:I usually put 2 cuttings per jam jar, if you put in too many the roots will get tangled up.

Mine are on the kitchen windowsill, with morning direct sunlight, when it shines. They seem happy there and root quite quickly. Keep an eye on them, as soon as there is a healthy root system pot them up or they'll starve.
Reply:Keep them out of full sun, cuttings are better off put in pots of perlight which should be stood in shallow trays of water untill they root.
Reply:You will get roots when in glasses of water, but the roots will be brittle and easily broken when planting them, very much better to root them in pots of compost. But not in full sunlight.
Reply:They do root in water, but it is best to use potting soil for them. They get used to being in earth this way, and the transference from water to earth is sometimes too great. Beside pelargoniums and geraniums tend to rot easily. If you wish to root them this way though, it should be no more than two at the most; preferably each should have its own glass.

As for the time it takes, it can vary from a couple of weeks to many months. Most of the time you will see roots fairly quickly within a month's time. If you start them in pots, they can take 5-6 weeks.
Reply:Sounds perfect. You should see roots in 1 - 2 weeks. Hope you removed any leaves that are in the water, otherwise they will rot, won't root, and the stench is perfectly organic ick.
Reply:I would put no more than 2 clippings in a jar. When they root, the roots will end up being a knotted mess. Direct sunlight is good for them. They will root in a few weeks if they don't rot. Be sure to change the water once a week to help prevent rot. Once they have roots 1 to 2 inches long, plant them in good potting soil.

Another alternative would be to put the clippings directly in a good potting medium that retains water. A good garden center will carry 'rooting hormone' in which the clippings can be dipped in then planted into the soil. Always try to have 2 to 3 leaf joints either in the water or soil. This is where most of the roots will form.

My Geranium has leaf spot. What can I do?


My Geranium has leaf spot. What can I do?
try some miracle grow on them
Reply:Miracle Grow isn't going to do anything for leafspot, it's a fertilizer! Get the fungicide called Daconil 2787 also called, Ortho Multi-purpose fungicide At any Walmart. Report It

safety shoes

How do u take care of a scented geranium it smells like nutmeg and produces tiny white flowers new this year?

i have brought it inside like u do with regular geraniums but what do i need to do to it cut it back or leave it do i water it thru winter how %26amp; when do i transplant to a bigger pot

How do u take care of a scented geranium it smells like nutmeg and produces tiny white flowers new this year?
Scented geraniums are a pleasure and come in many many fragrances. Treat them as you would any sun-loving houseplant. If yours becomes too lengthy and scraggly, as the nutmeg scents sometimes do, you can cut it back and even root the cuttings. Allow to dry out between waterings as none of the pelargoniums likes to be soggy. They are pretty rugged, not fussy, and should come through the winter just fine.
Reply:Do you know if your Geranium is an annual or perennial, you did'nt say. If you want to keep this in your house through the winter, just keep it in alot of light, don't over water , less is more in your house, Geraniums are seceptible to mealy bugs when their raised in the house, keep a look out on the stems and leaves for something that looks like a tiny white dot sort of like a small peice of cotton. If you do see this you can either remove it with your fingers or a cotton ball. Winter is a time for your plant to rest, so unless you have alot of grow lights and your plant can have at least 6 hours of simulated sun light , then fertilize it at half of what you did outside and wait till it goes back out in spring to fertilize again at normal strength and regular intervals. Hope this helped!
Reply:I work in a greenhouse. A scented geranium is also known as a "mosquito plant" or "citronella plant". I completely agree with keeps.......'s answer. Good luck.

Geranium white knight can i split them ? If so when is the best time?

Now, Now, my cuttings are all flowering, the silly little things. I did them 3 weeks ago for next year. I always use a rooting compound, helps the little devils, my my.What do you mean by splitting? Take cuttings and push them in potting compost.

Geranium: did I just kill them?

I have had my geranuim for almost a year, kept inside. Yesterday it was realy nice out so I put them outside in the sun and forgot to bring them in before the cold came. When I brought them in they were serverly wilted. I have been keeping them inside in the sun today and they seem to be doing a little better. Any suggestions to get them to perk up again? Thanks for any help, I really don't know much about this but am sad I hurt them.

Geranium: did I just kill them?
Geraniums are fairly hardy plants, and they should be OK with what you have done, it's said in some of my old gardening books : Geraniums like to be kept fairly dry, over watering will kill them, if any shoots seem to be dead, after a few days it would be a good idea to cut the down to the base.
Reply:You might have sunburned them. Or they just got dehydrated. If just dehydrated, a good watering will snap it back to life.

Plants that are not used to being out in the full sun (even if they get full sun through a window) can get sunburned if they aren't acclimated to the full, direct sun over time (you can even sunburn a cactus that way). The sun actually damages the chlorophyl in the leaves, turning them kind of whitish in the affected areas. They eventually turn brown and drop off.

But, a sunburned plant can be nursed back to health. Keep it in the shade, in indirect light for a while. Don't try to fix it with excessive watering. That will hurt it more. Eventually the leaves will come back. Then you can get it reacclimated to the sunlight.
Reply:Don't overwater or fertilize. Plants under stress don't do well with fertilizing.

I think they will fine soon.
Reply:Geraniums are pretty sturdy and hard to kill. I say fertilize them as a treat! :) It will help them get a perk!

Best care for seed Geranium?

Red and Pink Geraniums. Annuals. How to care for %26amp; keep alive in outside container.

Best care for seed Geranium?
They are pretty hardy wee plants, very nice and easy to grow. I'd keep outdoors but inside when frosty, keep moist but don't over water. They don't need feed but re pot once every year or so.
Reply:Geranium Care

The geranium, Pelargonium xhortorum, is widely grown in flower beds, containers, and hanging baskets. A wide variety of flower and foliage colors are available. From the true orange flower of 'Orange Appeal' to the fluorescent shade of 'Orbit Violet' there is surely a color to coordinate with any landscape plan. Flowers are packed densely on umbels rising above the plant foliage. Flowers may be single, double, or semi-double. In past years, most varieties were grown vegetatively from cuttings. Today, many varieties are available from seed. Plants grow 12 to 20 inches tall. Some of the named series, such as 'Elite' and 'Orbit', are known especially for compact growth which is desirable for containers and bedding displays.

Geraniums grow best in full sun. They like moist, well- drained soils and prefer a cool root zone. To keep flowers coming continuously throughout the summer, regular deadheading is necessary. Remove the spent flowerheads as they begin to deteriorate. This will prevent seeds from forming and force the plant into producing additional blooms. It also improves plant appearance as well as reducing the chance for disease.

Like all plants, geraniums have their share of disease and insect problems. One disease being seen this season is bacterial leaf spot. This disease is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas pelargonii and is especially prevalent in warm, wet weather where plants are grown in crowded conditions. Disease symptoms include small (pinhead size), circular or irregular, brown, sunken spots on older or lower leaves. Large numbers of spots will occur on a single leaf, these will coalesce killing a large portion of the leaf which will then drop off. As the disease moves through the plant, the lower leaves wilt and yellow. In severe cases, the stem will possess black stem cankers killing the upper portion of the stem. Leaves infected with bacterial leaf spot should be removed as soon as it is noticed. Severly infected plants should be removed. There is no chemical cure for bacterial leaf spot. Make sure and destroy infected plants and plant parts this fall.

Another common disease of geranium is a fungal disease known as botrytis leaf spot or botrytis blossom blight. It is caused by Botrytis cinerea. Botrytis is favored under cool, moist conditions or where plants are watered frequently. Leaves develop zonate, brown leaf lesions which develop a grayish brown mass of fungal spores. The lower leaves will yellow and rot. Flowers may also become infected. They show discolored petals which wilt and fall. Remove affected leaves and flowers. Fungicide sprays, when environmental conditions are favorable, will help reduce levels of this disease. Chlorothalonil (Daconil 2787) is widely available for homeowner use and will help to control botrytis. Rust, root rots, stem rot, and leaf spots are other diseases known to infect geraniums.

Insects that frequently attack geraniums include aphids, cabbage loopers, and fall cankerworms. The four-lined plant bug, scale, and slugs can also cause damage. Properly identify the insect pest and control with the recommended insecticide.

Geraniums are one of the most popular annual plants grown by gardeners today. Proper selection, location, and care will keep them blooming and healthy all season long.

Park Hotel Ahrensburg

Geranium flowers?

Are geraniums an annual or perinnal

Geranium flowers?
Mine are perenial, they never really die at the end of the season. In fact, I've had most of my zonal geraniums for almost 6 years and the ivy geraniums for 10. I'm in SoCal though and we never really get a winter, though we did get a week of frost and they survived.
Reply:They are annuals in my area but you can cut them back in the pot and water them all winter to keep them alive and plant them again in the spring.
Reply:Annuals are plants that have a 1 year life cycle. If you don't have a hard freeze they can last from one season to another. I put mine geraniums in the garage along the house wall thru the winter and put them in the late spring and they grow and bloom.

Geranium Leaf Question?

On my Geraniums, if some of the leaves are rotting for whatever reason... Its just one leaf... Can i cut the leaf off to make sure the rotting does not spread? How can i handle this?

Geranium Leaf Question?
Just cut or break the leaf off, cutting down into the green a bit. Is it just a brown leaf, of is the stem going brown and pulpy ? Cut well below the pulpy bit, but just pluck the occasional brown leaf

Or, you can cut the whole branch off, break the dead leaf off and root the branch in a pot to make more plants.

I whack my geraniums back when they start getting too big, and have filled a 12 foot flower bed with "starts" from just the one plant. Just pick off the occasional brown leaves, and the plants will just keep going.

I hope this helps.
Reply:you need to cut the rest of them off so the rolling leaf will straighten out. new ones will grow on straight then.

Where to get geranium seeds off a live geranium plant (to store seeds for next season)?

Want to be able to grow geraniums next year from the plants I have this year. Not sure of how geraniums give off seeds or wehne/where to get the seeds to store for next season.

Where to get geranium seeds off a live geranium plant (to store seeds for next season)?
Most geranium plants are started from cuttings from the old plant. If you want to try to grow some take cuttings in the fall of the year and place in a pot of sand. Keep the sand moist. After a couple of weeks the cutting should develope roots. Than you can transplant into another pot with potting soil. A geranium will thrive in a window very nicely all winter long.

Hope this helps.
Reply:1st answer correct. Seeds don't do well, you need cuttings.

Two links to look at.

Good luck!

I'm trying to grow roots onto a cutting from a geranium bush. Do I need to use growth hormone or will peat do?

I read that Peat can be used to grow roots but is this suitable for all plants and especially Geranium bushes? I live in a hot sunny climate where plants tend to sprout very easily.

I'm trying to grow roots onto a cutting from a geranium bush. Do I need to use growth hormone or will peat do?
take your cuttings put them in to a glass jar with water and in about a week thy should have roots on them put them into pots and thy will be fine good luck
Reply:I'm not the most experienced at gardening, but i've been experimenting with getting cuttings going, and i've had the most success starting things in water first, and i put a tiny bit of plant food in with the water. The thing i've found most important has been to have "three leaves below and two above" like they say with rose cuttings. I don't leave the actual leaves below the water because they'll just rot, but the new roots will come out at predictible places, and those are where leaves were growing. I change the water every day and then when the roots are started, i plant them. I didn't use the root hormone because though i have a package somewhere, i couldn't find it! hahhaha.

roots rain

I'm trying to grow roots onto a cutting from a geranium bush. Do I need to use growth hormone or will peat do?

I read that Peat can be used to grow roots but is this suitable for all plants and especially Geranium bushes? I live in a hot sunny climate where plants tend to sprout very easily.

I'm trying to grow roots onto a cutting from a geranium bush. Do I need to use growth hormone or will peat do?
You don't need any special additives. Regular potting or seedling mix will be just fine.

See source for more information growing geraniums.
Reply:geraniums will grow if you stick the cutting into sand - they dont like a lot of attention or fertilizer.
Reply:I just put them in a container until they root then transplant them, no special soil.

Have you tried the scented variety?
Reply:They'll root in water.

Do you know where I could buy? Laura Mercier Lip Kisses - Geranium?

Laura Mercier brand

Lip Kisses (lip gloss)

They have stopped making the colour "Geranium"

I have searched and searched the Internet but no-one has any old stock for sale

I have found one in Australia - but they want almost $40 for it plus shipping

Does anyone know where there might be any for sale - old stock?

Thanks - thanks - thanks

Do you know where I could buy? Laura Mercier Lip Kisses - Geranium?
Found one on ebay for 10:

Where to find cheap massage oils ylang ylang jasmine geranium?

I want cheap massage oils ylang ylang jasmine and geranium, just small amounts that can be diluted. anywhere like walmart to get them?

Where to find cheap massage oils ylang ylang jasmine geranium?
Check the health food stores, that is where I get my essential oils and I dilute them in sweet almond oil for massages. You can usually find them in half ounce bottles for around $10 and they go really far since it only takes a few drops.
Reply:buy some unscented massage oil - and by the essential oils to put in it - it's much cheaper and you can make it as strong or as weak as you like!

How often do I need to water a Zonal Geranium?

I bought a blue wonder zonal geranium. It says it needs full sun, which it gets. However, it hasn't even started to bloom yet and already the buds are dying. I've been watering it once a day and I have it in a container and I pour some water in there so the plant can soak it up. Am I over watering or why is it dying already? I've only had it about a week or so.

How often do I need to water a Zonal Geranium?
Reply:Do not water too much. Although when the weather gets hotter then you will have to water more often. It sounds like you are over watering right now! Zonal Geraniums are easy and hardy plants to grow. Just go by the weather and use your own judgement.
Reply:take it back where you got it hopefully it has some kind of guarentee on it.

massage shoes

Why would a Gardner want to take cutting of geranium plant?

Taking a geranium cutting

Why would a Gardner want to take cutting of geranium plant?
Propagating by cuttings increases the stock of geraniums quicker than growing by seed and cheaper than buying new plants.

The cuttings are taken 2/3 leaf joints from the top and planted in a 50% sand/50% peat mix-3 cuttings to a 75mm pot.These are then placed in a light place (greenhouse) and kept in as constant a temperature as possible..

If taken at the end of the summer,the newly rooted cuttings will flower the following year to the same color as the parent plant.
Reply:I do this all the time "make a stem cutting to make another plant" it's real easy and its nice if you want to get another geranium the same color as the one you have!
Reply:Propagating is cheaper than buying. If the person likes geraniums, taking a cutting costs nothing and many free plants can be had. Geraniums are fairly expensive as compared to free.
Reply:It's called propagating, to have more of the same plant.
Reply:maybe in the hope that it will grow for is possible
Reply:To get plenty more of his favorite coloured geranium.

You can tip prune them, that will make them thicken up and while you do this make sure you cut a few pieces about four inches long. You then strip all but the top two leaves, cut those two in half, dip them in some honey and plant into a 6' pot then place the in the shade. You may put about six to a pot, then when the cuttings have struck you can give some away or grow them all yourself.

Good luck.
Reply:Same as taking a cutting from any other plant,to propagate,that is to raise a new plant from the other ,if you know the way to go about it,it's cheap %26amp; it's easy,it is one of the best ways to propogate from plants that are difficult to raise by other methods,greaniums lend themselves readily to growth from cuttings %26amp; they do not take very long to establish.

Help me identify this bird that built a nest in our geranium?

We had a little bird family move in to a geranium on our front porch and I would like to find out what kind of bird it is.

She built her nest, about 3 weeks ago, inside a hanging geranium on our front porch, it hangs about six feet off the ground.

She laid five eggs in the next about 2 weeks ago, so I think they'll be hatching soon. The eggs are all white from what I could tell and they were very small.

She looks to be very dull in color with a gray head and black or brown eyes. The male is about the same, but has orange on his head and neck with dark stripes on a white chest.

We live in Sacramento, CA.

I have tried, but nothing matched my inputs.

If you have any idea, please let me know. Thanks.

Help me identify this bird that built a nest in our geranium?
Sounds like a House Finch..they are notorious for building in hanging plants. The females are a dull brown and males are a little more colorful having either an orange or reddish tinge. Both have striping on the chest. These birds are pretty common and are widespread throughout most of the U.S.
Reply:It has to be in the finch family. They are the only ones that can get past the smell of a geranium plus the color of the eggs. From what you explained of the color, look up house finch or a chickadee and see if that matches your discription.
Reply:I agree that it may be a finch.

This is a male and female housefinch:
Reply:Your need to post a picture because thats the only way we can see this bird in our heads.

Were do i find any info on scented geranium's?

need know how to care for them,how much sun,how much water,how to grow them from home, what other scented geranium's is outther, do they make good house plants??

Were do i find any info on scented geranium's?
This web site has alot of info about scented geraniums. I could go on and on of how to care for them but these sites has more info than I can give and is the best sites I have found.
Reply:try going to lots of onfo on all kinds of plants
Reply:there are many newer variety scented leaf geranium. the leaves can smell like lemon, lime, mint, or even rose. although i think these are better suited as house plants. there is also one called pelargonium crispum (lemon geranium)

Where can I buy villeroy and boch geranium crockery of the old pattern?

i need some replacements of the old style of villeroy and boch crockery pattern-geranium

does anyone know how to get it anywhere in the uk

Where can I buy villeroy and boch geranium crockery of the old pattern?
try e-bay
Reply:There is a site that deal with antiques and odd ball stuff. For the life of me I cannot remember the site.....It was..RUBY something or other..It is a site that a lot of dealers list there stuff on ...Type in ruby antiques and see if it works??Sorry I can't be more precise...

height increasing shoes

What is the side effects of Rose Geranium essential oil on cats???

I was reading on the internet that Rose Geranium is a great tick repelant but you shouldnt use it around cats....what would happen if i did because i need to keep the ticks off my dogs but i also have 2 grown cats and 4 kittens that r just now eating hard food. I have tried everything to keep the ticks off and nothing works.

thanks ahead of time for all ur help.

What is the side effects of Rose Geranium essential oil on cats???
Keep the cats inside and use Advantage on the dogs.

Also, get your cats spayed so you won't keep having kittens!
Reply:All I know is that ALL "essential oils" are harmful to cats and kittens.

Sorry I have no suggestions on the tick situation except the topicals you get from the vets and in pet stores.

How long does it take for my geranium seedlings to grow bigger?

I planted some geranium seeds a couple of months ago, and it seems like they have just stopped growing. the seedlings are about 2.5 inches tall and dont appear to be dying but i havent noticed any new growth in the past couple weeks. they still only have 1 pair of leaves. are they ever going to grow bigger?

How long does it take for my geranium seedlings to grow bigger?
If they are far enough apart cut the bottom of a soft drink bottle to create a "glass house" for each.

Get some "water spikes". Pieces of plastic which fit and hold a soft drink bottle inverted, full of water or fertilzer,

that you push into the ground.

Every year I have a nice orderly row of 1.5l pepsi bottles growing in my garden as my dahlias are coming up, the water feeding the bulb.
Reply:They need a lot of sunlight and water at this stage. They are still babies until they put on that next pair of leaves. (The first to leaves are called cotyledons.) Water it with a weak mix of miracle grow twice or three times a week until they get to growing.

Note: if you planted them in plain old dirt that's why they stopped growing. They need nutrients to take off and grow. Your soil may not have what they need. You might need to transplant them into a growing medium --you could use miracle grow garden soil. That would fix the whole problem.
Reply:When germinating any seed, you need a soiless mix - use seed starting medium....then place under a flourescent light for 13-16 hrs each day....cover them with saran wrap once planted until they sprout then uncover.

Geraniums take a long time growing before they bloom so start in January for spring blooms.

If you followed these steps, you would be planting them by now....could be soil or light or lack of keeping moist.

Try watering them next time with a little sugar in the water after transplanting to some new soil - something that will allow the roots to spread.

Good luck, they may still bloom by summer's end or fall....or bring them inside in the fall and keep as a house plant - but don't neglect it - it still needs food, water and lighting.

When should i plant pelargonium or geranium seed in england?

i have geranium seeds (really pelargonium). i live in the midlands of england. i want to plant them in pots first, then outside. what date should i plant the seeds in the pots to germinate?

When should i plant pelargonium or geranium seed in england?
As best I can figure, you seem to live in about zone 8, for climate. The following is from the link listed first, below: "Only sow the seed in April/May of the following season. Sow in well-drained loam, approx. 1 cm below the soil surface. Keep moist and well ventilated. Allow plenty of light. The seeds will germinate in two to four weeks. Prick out carefully without damaging the roots and plant into one pint bags. Move to a sunny location. In most cases only plant these young seedlings in April of the following year."

Happy Gardening!

Will little piss ants hurt my geranium?

I came home and there were piss ants all over my zonal geranium. I know a few ants wouldn't hurt it but there were TONS of them. Will it hurt the plant or do I need to get some of the spray to keep them away? HELP!!!!

Will little piss ants hurt my geranium?
Although "piss ant" is not the real name of these common ants it describes them well. lol If you want to get rid of them without using poison that you buy for about a 100th of the cost here's how. Ants don't like being sprayed with water so fill a sprayer with water but add a few drops of dish soap they like that even less. After a couple times of getting doused they will pack up and move. And the soapy water is actually good for your plants I use this on all my plants and bushes and it works! Even for other bugs on vegtables. If you want them to stay out of your yard altogether put bone meal on the edges of your property they don't like the scratchiness of the bone meal and won't cross it.
Reply:You can try the soap thing, but that will not kill them so they will just move somewhere else, or come back in a few days. I have heard that rice cereal works. Supposedly the rice expands when they eat it and it kills them off.

In reality I think that professional baits are still the best. According to my bug guy, they have a delayed reaction so that they transfer to other ants, and to the queen and her eggs. Not sure how this works, but thats the bug guys story.

You can buy Maxforce (professional bait) for about $14, which I think is a good deal since the bug guy wants $40 a visit. Plus, you will probablly never run out of that, so $14 to be ant free is worth it in my book.
Reply:It really depends on the ant. I am sorry but I have never heard of the "Piss Ant". Some ants can cause major damage to plants and some don't cause really any.

But a rule of thumb, ants are not beneficial to plants, so I would kill them.

Buy the good stuff here:

Baits will not harm your plant. Some products may contain oils so spraying your plants could hurt them.

Bifen was made for agriculture use. If you are spraying plants then go with Bifen.

By the way, the last guy needs to do a little research. Start with Carpenter Ants....
Reply:I know or no cases of ants killing plants, although I'm sure that some place in the world it occurs.
Reply:Check your Geranium for aphids - some ant species "herd" them like cattle. You can spray the plant with a little dish soap or murphy's oil soap and water. Also, if the plant is in a pot, pick it up to be sure no ants are building a nest in the pot. If you find they are, flush with water mixed with lemon juice.

bucked teeth

Can I plant my old geranium plant/flower outside? Will it grow back next year?

I got a geranium plant for my birthday. Can it be planted outside and come back next year?

Thanks for your help.

Can I plant my old geranium plant/flower outside? Will it grow back next year?
Depends whereabouts in the country you live. It will certainly go outside and bloom like mad all summer. If you live in London or the south you will probably get away with leaving out and it will come again next year. However if you live in the north you need to bring it back in over the winter. I always put mine in the green house, but if you haven't got one anywhere in the house is fine - but don't let them get too hot over the winter. They need to rest and reserve their strength to bloom again next summer.
Reply:Geraniums are very hardy. Just plant it in the garden in full sun and it will keep growing. Frost can cut them back a bit, but just cut off any dead material in the spring when it starts growing again and it will bush up. Also grows well in a pot, where you can move it around the garden and under cover if your weather is very severe. They are very easy to grow from cuttings too
Reply:yes the way our weather is going in the winter {uk} its so much warmer i always lift mine and put in greenhouse and use for cutting

Has anyone heard of rose geranium cake?

I have heard about a cake called rose geranium cake. It sounds interesting and I would like to try one. Also, back in the day (about 40 years ago:) My brother used to help this old lady pull taffy in her basement. She canned everything. She even canned dandelion stems in some sort of liquid. Has anyone ever heard of this?

Has anyone heard of rose geranium cake?
Rose geranium cake:,176,15916...,176,15916...,176,15616...,176,15916...

There are lots more--just google "rose geranium cake".

Canned dandelion:

I think "can" in the recipe means a canning jar.

All things dandelion:

They may sell canned dandelions, and do sell a dandelion cookbook.

Commercial canned dandelion:

Order some:

I tried cooking some, and they were very bitter. I'm sure there's a way to get the bitterness down to an edible level.
Reply:You can substitute dandelion greens in any cooked spinach or chard recipe if you can find a canning recipe for is the cake recipe...

Rose Geranium Buttermilk Pound Cake recipe

1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine

2 1/4 cups granulated sugar

4 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 tablespoon lemon zest

Pinch of salt

1/2 cup finely minced fresh rose geranium leaves

3 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 cup buttermilk

6 whole fresh rose geranium leaves

Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.

Using an electric mixer, cream butter or margarine and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs on at a time. Mix well. On slow speed, add vanilla extract and next 3 ingredients.

In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking soda. To the batter, add dry ingredients in 3 portions and buttermilk in 2 portions, alternating between the two. Mix well to moisten flour. Place whole rose geranium leaves in the bottom of prepared Bundt pan. Carefully pour batter into the pan. Bake for exactly 1 hour, 10 minutes, even if cake does not appear done at the end of cooking time. Cool for 10 minutes. Remove from pan. Dust with confectioners sugar or frost.

Yields 10 to 12 servings.


here are some dandelion recipes...

Dandelion Jelly

1 qt. dandelion flowers

1 qt. water

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 box Sure-Jell

Cook together for 3 minutes the flowers and water.

Strain and save juice.

Follow directions on Sure-Jell box using dandelion water.

Bring to a boil, then add 4 1/2 cups sugar and lemon juice.

Dr. Lehman's Dandelion Wine

4 quarts dandelion flowers

4 quarts boiling water

4 pounds sugar

1 lemon

2 oranges

Pour boiling water over the flowers. Let stand 24 hours. Than boil 20 minutes. Put in the rind of the lemon and orange in when boiling. Strain through colander. Add the pulp of the lemon and orange sliced in when it is lukewarm. Add a tablespoon of yeast and let stand a week. Than strain it through cheesecloth and put it up. Keep a month before using. If you put it in a jar, do not tighten all at once(the lid)(Don't seal too soon or you will over-pressure the bottles)

~This is from Doc Lehman of Mountville,Pennsylvania

My Aunt and Uncle make this every year and her are what they have added.

Add yeast when cold, either directly or float it on toast. Let stand for 3 weeks then sieve through cheese cloth. Bottle, but don't cork tightly for at least two months. Should stand for six months before using If you don't want to wait six months try quick dandelion wine. Pour one cup white wine over 1 Tbsp. chopped dandelion leaves and let sit for one hour.

There are indeed good things about this weed. Dandelion is a gentle liver tonic and diuretic and grandma made dandelion tonic each spring....she would pour water over fresh leaves and let it stand a few hours and that strain it and "make" us drink it to "clean out the system". When she got a juicer she would mix dandelion.apples and carrots.

Cooked Dandelion Greens

Cut the roots from the greens and discard. Wash well in cold water. Bring a large pot of water to a full boil and put the greens into the water by the handful. Bring water quickly back to the boil and cook just until wilted, two or three minutes. Drain and run cold water over to stop the cooking. Squeeze as much moisture out as possible. At this point you may wrap well in plastic wrap and freeze for future use, 8 to 10 ounces per package is a useful size.

These greens may be used as a substitute for spinach or Swiss chard in any number of recipes, from ravioli or lasagna fillings to a simple sauté in olive oil with garlic as a side dish.Her grandma used this often as a filling when spinach was called for.

Dandelion Salad Vinaigrette

This is Shirley's recipe for the dressing her grandma made.

Salad Vinaigrette

Makes approximately 2/3 cup

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (I love oil from Tuscany for its peppery flavor)

3 Tblsp. red wine vinegar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1 large peeled and smashed garlic clove

Freshly ground pepper

Put all ingredients into a jar with tight fitting lid. Shake well and let steep at least an hour before use. This will keep under refrigeration for a week. Bring to room temperature before using. You may wish to add a sprig or two of fresh herbs as available. Occasionally substituting fresh squeezed lemon juice for the vinegar makes a pleasant dressing, especially in the summer.

Dandelion Syrup

Now this is the other recipe she gave me. I propose using those bright yellow blooms as a delightful Dandelion Syrup for use over pancakes or waffles. Just make sure they pick them at the middle of the day when they are drier. To make a good supply, you'll need:

4 ea. big handfuls of dandelion tops(flowers)

1/2 ea. lemon, juiced

1 quart cold water

2 lbs. sugar

Place the tops in the water and bring to a slow boil. Let boil half a minute then cool overnight. The next day, strain and push out the excess water. Discard the blooms and save the dandelion water. Mix this water with the lemon and sugar and simmer until most of the water has evaporated. Do not bring to a hard boil.

Let the mixture cool, then simmer again until thick in consistency like maple syrup. This can be poured over flapjacks either warm or cool.


1 cup of flour

Dash of salt

Dash of pepper

1/2 teaspoon each of thyme, marjoram, sage, paprika

2 dozen large, fresh dandelion blossoms, freshly rinsed and still damp

Cooking oil

Mix flour and all seasonings together in a shallow bowl. Coat the bottom of a fry pan with oil and heat to a medium temperature. It is ready when a bit of flour sizzles up when dropped in. Coat the damp dandelions in the flour mixture, and fry in the oil until golden brown. Turn them as necessary to brown all sides. Remove blossoms from pan and set to drain on paper towels, or use paper bags as I do to soak up the excess oil. Add more oil as needed to complete cooking all blossoms. These taste best when served fresh and hot.

Dandelion Greens

Dandelion greens are cooked with chopped onion, minced garlic, chile pepper, then topped with grated Parmesan cheese.


1 pound dandelion greens

1/2 cup chopped onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 whole small dried hot chile pepper, seeds removed, crushed

1/4 cup cooking oil

salt and pepper

Parmesan cheese


Discard dandelion green roots; wash greens well in salted water. Cut leaves into 2-inch pieces. Cook greens uncovered in small amount of salted water until tender, about 10 minutes. Sauté onion, garlic, and chile pepper in oil.

Drain greens; add to onion garlic mixture. Taste dandelion greens and season with salt and pepper. Serve dandelion greens with grated Parmesan cheese.

Recipe for dandelion greens serves 4.
Reply:Rose Geranium Cake

Rose geranium leaves

2 sticks butter

1 3/4 cups sugar

3 egg whites

2 eggs

3 cups sifted flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup water

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3/4 cup milk

Wrap 6 geranium leaves around each stick of butter. Let stand in refrigerator overnight. Discard leaves. Line 2 waxed-paper lined cake pans with remaining rose geranium leaves. Cream softened butter and sugar in mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in egg whites and eggs. Add remaining dry ingredients and liquid ingredients alternately to creamed mixture, beating well after each addition. Pour into prepared pans.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until layers test done. Cool in pans for several minutes. Invert onto wire rack. Remove leaves from layers with toothpicks; frosting will cover resulting roughness. Frost as desired. Yield: 12 servings.