Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are my geraniums getting enough sun?

I have geraniums and ivy in my north-facing Southern California window boxes. They only get indirect sun in the afternoon. There are plenty of nice grrn leaves, but very few flowers, if any.

If anyone has tips for getting them to bloom, it would be much appreciated. I've tried pinching back some of the leaves to give any budlets a chance, but right now it seems there aren't any, so the boxes have no color at all. I water every 3 days or so.

Should I just give up and try some shade-friendly color? Any recomendations?

Thanks in advance...

Are my geraniums getting enough sun?
Geraniums need at least 5 hours of DIRECT sunlight to bloom well. So , sorry they will not do there. They will grow good, just no blooms. For that kind of exposure the best thing for you is Impatiens. Try the New Guinea type with the regular for something different.

Or look for "Torenia" or common name, Wishbone flower.

I think these are cool!
Reply:My geraniums get full morning sun and are constantly blooming. But I also water/feed regularly with Miracle Gro. If your window box does not get much direct sunlight, you might want to pot the geraniums and plant impatiens in the box instead. Impatiens in with the ivy would certainly be pretty. Good luck.
Reply:If you have sun in the morning you should be fine. Geraniums like some shade in the afternoon and the leaves will be greener. If you do not have morning sun, i would recommend probably impatiens or begonias. The blooming time probably depends on how old your geraniums are. They take 4 months or more to bloom from seed. If you bought a large plant it should be blooming but if you planted seed or small plant it may not be ready to bloom. And i agree, Miracle grow every two weeks.

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